Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lunch at TGI Friday!!!!

Here is the logo!!!! I had been thinking about trying the food since got here in Cairo.. so here it is!! T.G.I Friday in city stars. Hopefully it is deicious:

The deco

The deco for the other side of the wall

Vincent is showing off his new phone: E71.. It is his new baby now!!!!

The competition for the Eye bag champion!!

Trying to act cute...

Hubby trying to teach me how to cover eye bag, yucks...

My better way to hide eye bag

Or stare

or my classic smile

Hubby trying to imitate me or he is just wanting to dig his nose very badly

Here come our food: seafood platter normal, nothing great

Hubby's steak: too tough we ask for medium rare but it seems like well done. Not worth going

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